Slice of Life Day 14: On Being Smart

My second graders are learning about children all around the world. We’re using materials based on the UNICEF work from the Conventions on the Rights of the Child. Right now, we’re learning about at what every kid has a right to, including the right to be healthy, to play, to have an identity, to food,Continue reading “Slice of Life Day 14: On Being Smart”

Slice of Life Day 13: The Light Dawns

Some folks out there know all about my recent foray into crowdsourcing. It’s been a game-changer for my fourth-graders, and it’s been fun to share our discoveries. We’ve also been working on the importance of using the language of craft no matter what the medium: arts, sports, literature… So. Today. I had my kids doContinue reading “Slice of Life Day 13: The Light Dawns”

Slice of Life Day 12: Prithee

Today is one of those days where I have the delightful problem of having too many things I want to post about. So today, I think I will share my fifth graders’ work with Shakespeare. They spent last week learning about the guy and all of his weirdness, even coming up with their own favoriteContinue reading “Slice of Life Day 12: Prithee”

Slice of Life Day 6: A Story of Our Own

Earlier today, I posted an article to Two Wring Teachers on “crowdsourcing” as a tool for story building and revision. When I read the post to my fourth grade students (the subject of my article) I could see their nods and smiles as confirmation that, together, we did a GREAT THING. Even my most ruggedContinue reading “Slice of Life Day 6: A Story of Our Own”

Slice of Life Day 5: Testing the Waters

I don’t enjoy writing fiction.

THERE. I said it.

There are times, though, that I do need to pull something together, especially when I’m demonstrating a process with my students.

My students are crafting stories in the style of Leo Lionni. Below is my work-in-progress. I thought I’d share it with you here. Who knows? I may even end up finishing it at some point. If so, you bet I’ll post again!

Slice of Life Tuesday: Give it a Go

This week on the Two Writing Teachers site, I posted about a strategy I tried with my students: Give it a Go.

I introduced the idea today, so I thought I’d share what I wrote alongside them. Here’s my (admittedly autobiographical) contribution…

Slice of Life Day 10: Challenge Accepted!

There I was yesterday, cruising around and commenting on some great blogs during the Slice of Life Challenge, when I came across GirlGriot’s musings about the noises she was hearing from under a grate by her apartment building. I thought…now THIS is a great story prompt, and I told her so. Before I knew it,Continue reading “Slice of Life Day 10: Challenge Accepted!”

Slice of Life Day 9: Current Conditions

Here we are at day 9 of the Slice of Life Challenge! Today had me thinking: you know, even though it seems corny for stories to have the weather reflect moods in characters, I have to admit that sometimes…well, sometimes the weather gets it right. Oh!,perhaps,she pondered,upon seeingthe weather outsideas it rained, snowed, threatenedto growContinue reading “Slice of Life Day 9: Current Conditions”

Slice of Life Day Challenge Day 2: On Timing

Whoo! Day two of the Slice of Life Challenge. Stick with me on this one. I promise this post has some fun in store. When you have a group of squirrelly fourth-graders on a beautiful spring day, And you have them for two full hours’ worth of literacy studio, And you know that some ofContinue reading “Slice of Life Day Challenge Day 2: On Timing”