Story Challenge Day 18: A Nod to William Carlos Williams

So much depends

Giggly fourth

Writing new

And finding their

simplicity. specificity. clarity. there are worse things to teach…

Interested in learning more about the March Slice of Life Challenge, or wanting to read more great posts? Head over to the Two Writing Teachers site!

Published by Lainie Levin

Mom of two, full-time teacher, wife, daughter, sister, friend, and holder of a very full plate

12 thoughts on “Story Challenge Day 18: A Nod to William Carlos Williams

  1. I love simplicity. Why get bogged down with lots of superfluous words when short and simple makes the point? And sometimes more directly.

    1. exactly! it was so cool to watch the ten-minute transition from the kids thinking, “what is this thing?” to “WHOA, this has layers!”

  2. The teaching may be challenging. In the end though you will have a wonderful student poetry celebration. I am reading your post after I wrote mine, and I too mention William Carlos Williams in my slice, in a different context.

  3. WCW was one of my favorite authors to teach. Sometimes there is more that is said with what’s missing than there is in including the details. Write on, fourth graders!

    1. Absolutely! I’ve been trying to teach my kids that sometimes the most important craft move is to RE-move. They’re starting to catch on!

  4. Oh, an excellent poem on its own merit and a most wonderful nod to the poet himself! And a excellent way to introduce kids to the beauty of succinct and unrhymed poetry.

    From the moment I read it as a teen – I have not been able and will never be able to eat a plum without thinking of “This Is Just To Say”

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