Slice of Life 2021 Day 6: What You Think About

I’m writing each day in March as part of the Slice of Life Challenge. Enjoy! What you think aboutwhen you’re a teacherisn’t the grade bookthe test scoreor paper work What you think aboutwhen you’re a teacherisn’t the holy cow! unitsthe whiz-bang lessonsor even the crashers and burners What you think aboutwhen you’re a teacherisn’t theContinue reading “Slice of Life 2021 Day 6: What You Think About”

Swinging For The Fences

I’m not going to lie. This year, I have had some SPECTACULAR fails in the classroom. And I mean, not just the oh-man-this-is-tricky-how-am-I-going-to-figure-a-different-way-of-teaching-this-to-the-kids fail. That’s just an ordinary, run-of-the-mill, cost-of-doing-business, everyday type of fail. No. I’m talking about the holy-cow-this-lesson-is-crashing-and-burning-and-I-have-absolutely-no-way-of-backing-out-of-this-and-no-way-to-figure-out-in-the-moment-how-to-make-it-better-and-why-did-I-even-bother-getting-out-of-bed-today fail. I’ve thought a lot about these fails. They haunt me. In the moment, failuresContinue reading “Swinging For The Fences”

Teacher Life, Exhibit P

Scene: Indiana Dunes State Park. I’m hiking with my husband. It’s a cool, crisp early autumn day, the wind is at our backs, and we have the place to ourselves. The only sounds in my ears are the crashing of waves, the crush of hiking boots on sand, and the echo of my thoughts. It’sContinue reading “Teacher Life, Exhibit P”