Story Challenge Day 31: Finding the Words

A while back, I was looking for a word to describe the relationships that I have with the writers I’ve gotten to know online through the March story challenge. I wanted a word that accurately captured the synergy I feel with so many of you.

And when I’m looking for a word that fits exactly what I want to say, I go to the thesaurus with a word that doesn’t work, but will maybe lead me there. I’m very picky when it comes to using the thesaurus. It’s like, I can’t think of the exact word that escapes me, but I’ll know it when I see it. I’ll come across the word, and it will fit like that last piece in the jigsaw puzzle, the one I can place with a sigh of relief.

So I started just with the word people. Not surprisingly, I didn’t find the word that fit the shade of meaning I was going for, the sense of friendship and belonging.

Person, maybe? No, that was even worse than the first one.

Maybe comrade would do the job? Was that what I was searching for? Eh, in the right ballpark. So maybe I meant compadre, which then led me to two heads thinking as one another – which, when you think about it, is an interesting place to end up. 

Two heads thinking as one another. Heads, hearts, souls, separate but traveling in similar directions.

How many times have I read a post and seen myself in someone else’s words? How many times do I read words and wish I had been the one to write them? How many times have I felt validated and affirmed through the experience of others?

Two heads thinking as one another. Compadres. Co-conspirators. Synergy. Whatever you call it, I’m grateful for all of you I’ve had the chance to get to know, or get to know better, through your writing this month.

As for me, you’ll catch me right back here tomorrow, forging ahead for poetry month. Hope to see you soon!

Published by Lainie Levin

Mom of two, full-time teacher, wife, daughter, sister, friend, and holder of a very full plate

24 thoughts on “Story Challenge Day 31: Finding the Words

  1. Compadre, I’m loving the questions you pose and the love of finding the just-right word to encapsulate this experience. It is truly like no other, which is why we come back year after year. Btw, love your contributing writer pieces, too! See you in cyberspace!

    1. I still feel like I’m looking for the word, but maybe it’s because I’m still trying to articulate what all of these relationships mean.

      And…thank you =))

  2. Love how you found what you were looking for. We have all grown and learned so much about others as well as ourselves during this month. All so different yet so much the same. I enjoy your posts, your wit, your insight. Thank you for all of your encouraging comments on my posts. They are much appreciated.

    1. Thank YOU! I really treasure our online connection. Like you said, this has been a month of growing and learning, and I’m grateful that you were there to be a part of the experience for me.

  3. I use the thesaurus in a similar way when looking for a word. I like co-conspirators to describe this community of writers. Best of luck with poetry month. I don’t think I can do another 30 days in a row right now. I’m hoping to at least show up on Tuesdays.

    1. Well, I’ll be looking for you! As for me, we’ll see how I do with the daily posts in April. At least I feel like I’m posting more for myself without the additional pressure of the challenge…

  4. This is so exactly how I use a thesaurus! I have loved reading your slices, and as you know, your comments too! I think it’s awesome how we can get to know each other through our writing.

    Also -poetry month? I need to do that!

    1. Right? I feel like poetry is my most natural form of expression – which is also why I love teaching it so very much.

  5. Compadre seems like a good word. I know what you mean about finding lines I feel like I could have written, or lines I wish I had written. There were many instances of both this month. My grandmother used to use the word simpatico to describe people who seemed to fit together well. I found many of those people this month as well. Thanks for your words of wisdom, both in your slices and your comments. I really appreciated them. Good luck with the poetry…I’m taking a bit of a breather.

    1. Simpatico – yes! Exactly! Close to compadre, but an even closer way of looking at things, an assumed alliance. And thank YOU for all of your thoughtful and insightful feedback!

  6. I see myself reflected here, again.. I do love a thesaurus – the very name enchanted me as a child. I thought of it as an ancient book with scales… nowadays I am usually Googling “synonym for…” and sometimes it really is hard to find the just-right word with all the nuance and layers needed. Love the toying here – and know how grateful I am for you, friend!

    1. Nuance. Layers. Because just the right word gives exactly that. And I am beyond grateful for you too!

  7. I like how you build to it. I suspect several of us writers use the thesaurus in similar fashion. Compadre works. it is how I have come to feel about many of the writers I’ve had the pleasure to peruse and-or gotten to know through TWT.

    I have a very short poem ready for tomorrow, but I’m sitting the challenge out. See you on Tuesdays.

  8. Ahhhh Poetry Month! Yes! Thank you Chingu (Korean word for friend). Your affirmations in comments have been so affirming. Your words remain in my consciousness for a long time. Cheers to another SOL March!

  9. You did it…found the perfect word for all of us! Thank you for your wonderful, personal comments when you popped over to my blog. I’m wondering where will you post your poetry?

  10. This is such a great closing note! I totally love the word choice – synergy, compadres. I’ve never tried looking at a thesaurus for words, but going by this, it is definitely something worth trying. Thank you for sharing the process, thank you for the wonderful thoughts!

  11. Oh yes, someone used the word ‘simpatico’ and that is exactly what I was thinking.. or sympathique in French, it’s a word in French and Spanish that doesn’t translate into English….compadre will do too, as ‘com’ means with…It’s been so good to slice alongside you for another year and was great to catch up briefly on zoom!
    Yay for next year…!!

    1. You remind me of how there are always words in one language that don’t quite translate to another. Another reason why I love words…

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