Slice of Life Tuesday: One Little Word for 2024

Ever since joining up with the Two Writing Teachers community, I have a really enjoyed the “One Little Word” posts that I see each January. As someone who doesn’t really believe in New Year’s resolutions, I find it comforting to commemorate the transition to a new year by setting a simple intention.

Last year, I chose quiet as my word. In that post, I wrote all about how my one little word often changes throughout the year, as life brings me in one direction or another. And honestly, had I really been focused on it, I probably would have changed my word a couple of times. Or at least…I don’t know. Maybe I’d have focused on it more?

But here’s the thing. Last year, at least January through June, had me over my head. So many of the things I enjoy, such as daily writing during March’s Slice of Life Challenge, or even my daily workouts, just fell to the side as I managed one thing after the next.

And you know what? I kind of feel sorry for last year‘s one little word. Quiet. I don’t think I ever gave that idea enough time to sink in. I don’t think I offered myself enough moments of quiet, or peace, or meditation. I don’t believe I allowed myself enough chances to think about things beyond my customary rituals of listing, planning, and mental problem-solving.

So this year, I’m going to give it another go.


I’m hoping to find myself more time to be still, to create space physically, mentally, and spiritually.

And you? What’s your One Little Word? I’d love to know!

Published by Lainie Levin

Mom of two, full-time teacher, wife, daughter, sister, friend, and holder of a very full plate

8 thoughts on “Slice of Life Tuesday: One Little Word for 2024

  1. Lainie, I love that quiet was…..well, quiet. It defined itself. What an image – – I see it peeking down from trees, hiding around corners and under tables. It’s an elusive word in our world, so maybe it’s the kind of word that has to be found and held and tends to disappear more slippery than an eel from our hands when we do manage to wrangle it for a few moments. Like you, I’m keeping my word for another year. Pray. It is the one word and action that changes my life on a daily basis, and it may be the one I keep for many coming years. Happy New Year! May quiet greet you in places you least expect.

  2. It is so hard in January to think of a word that can carry us through the year. Our lives can change quickly, and then it seems that one little word no longer fits. There is nothing wrong with a do over. I hope you find the peace and quiet you need for 2024.

  3. I love focusing on the word, quiet. I feel that I need more of that in my life. And I need to use more calm in my life. Thank you for suggesting this option for beginning this new year. Have a blessed year in 2024,

  4. Lainie, I had the word “gratitude” for … nine years or so. 🙂 Because I needed it in my life. Now that it’s become a daily practice for me, I’ve moved on. (The last two years – “present.” This year – “notice.”) I’ve had “quiet” on my list of when I was brainstorming this year. My issue with it is that to me, it’s not always a verb. I needed a strong verb this year. May you find quiet, may you be quieted, and may you quiet yourself when needed. Thank you for NOT quieting yourself to share with us today! Here’s to 2024!

  5. You are so honest, telling us when things got “over your head.” That drowning metaphor is powerful and I am sorry for all those months of feeling that way. Why not give quite another year, another chance? And this is my favorite line: “…chances to think about things beyond my customary rituals of listing, planning, and mental problem-solving.” How many of us recognize when those things that have served us become rituals that might need to be re-visited?

  6. I really appreciate your honesty in reflecting on your OLW last year and even more so, your decision to give it another try! The word “quiet” definitely has potential. It seems so fitting that it took a while to be heard!

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